國小英語演講比賽:prepared speech: 2.5-3.5 min,不足或超過,每30 sec扣一分。
開場白:小學階段用:Dear judges and my fellow schoolmates 或 Dear judges, boys and girls. 中學階段才用:Dear judges, ladies and gentlemen.
結尾:This is the story I want to share with you. I do hope you enjoy it. Thank you. 不要用Thank you for your attention.說完講稿不要如釋重負般的吐氣。
- poor content
- word selection->用錯字。e.g. I had child.(x)-> I had children.(0) 或 cake shop(x)->bakery(0)
這點最讓我覺得機車的部份就是不能使用英式用法或英式詞彙,否則會被扣分。英式詞彙像那些咧?book shop(x,shop是英式用法)-> bookstore(0,store是美式用法) - grammatical errors
- 不敬或流裡流氣的的語詞,e.g. Oh man, shit, oh my God, yeah....
- Personalize,講稿以第一人稱表達最佳。
- Give your comments, feelings, etc.
- Be creative, be interesting. 反正就是編一個跟自身有關的誇張或新奇有趣故事啦。
- Talk with an antecedent and a marvelous/ surprising ending. 有前言,結局要有趣。台下都笑了的話,你就贏了(哭了不知會怎樣?)
- Think logically. A good story flow, e.g. time sequence, space sequence.
- 利用5 W and 1 H.
- Give deep description, focusing on just a few points.
- 題目不要說兩次(扣分喔!),可將題目融入開場白中。I'm going to tell you how my female cat became a male cat. 而不是 My topic today is how my female cat became a male cat. How my female cat became a male cat.
- Pause too long, pause too much.
- Flat tone, boring tone.演講時,音調會較高。強調重點字。語氣不能太平淡。
- As talking to a friend, and being sincere.用輕鬆的語氣。
- Higher tones than usually do.音調提高。
- Power of silence. 善用語氣的停頓,製造重點。
- A dramatic tone and content needed. 語調真的要這麼誇張嗎?
for Yes-No Qs語調上揚 - American Pronunciation
linking: I ate an apple this morning. -> I atanaplle this morning.
flapping: vowel + t, d + vowel -> vowel + l + vowel->water-> waler, ladder->laler, letter->leler, pick it up-> pililup (美國人真煩耶)
vowel +r/n + t, d + vowel -> vowel + l +vowel -> important
schwa: 非重音節母音輕讀-> chocolate,I went to see them. strawberry
名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞有拍子。 - stress timing
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